September 9, 2011 - February 11, 2012 3:45-6:30pm
plus additional rehearsals
Performances:plus additional rehearsals
February 10 & 11, 2012 @ 7:30pm
February 12, 2012 @ 2:00pm - (snow date)
Director: Cagle McDonald, Lili Thomas
Choreographer: Josue Jasmin
Musical Director: Chloe Sasson
Class Schedule
Sept 9, 16 @ ITHT
WED Sept 21 Troupe Contract Signed & Returned, including advance notice of any conflicts!Sept 23 location Dows Lane multi-purpose room
Sept 30@ ITHT
Oct 7 no class ~ Yom Kippur
Oct 14,21,28 location Dows Lane multi-purpose room
Sept 30@ ITHT
Oct 7 no class ~ Yom Kippur
Oct 14,21,28 location Dows Lane multi-purpose room
Nov 4 location Dows Lane multi-purpose room
Nov 11 ITHT
Nov 18 location Dows Lane multi-purpose room
Nov 25 no class ~ Happy Thanksgiving
Dec 2 location Dows Lane multi-purpose room
Nov 18 location Dows Lane multi-purpose room
Nov 25 no class ~ Happy Thanksgiving
Dec 2 location Dows Lane multi-purpose room
Dec 9 @ ITHT
Dec 16 location Dows Lane multi-purpose room
Dec 16 location Dows Lane multi-purpose room
Dec 23,30 no class ~ Happy Holidays
Feb 3, 3:30-10pm@ ITHT until 7pm/location Dows Lane multi-purpose room 7:30pm-10pm
Jan 6 @ ITHT
Jan 13,20,27 location Dows Lane multi-purpose room
Jan 30, 6-9pm @ ITHT
Feb 1, 3:30-10:00pm @ ITHT TIME CHANGE posted 1/7/12Feb 3, 3:30-10pm@ ITHT until 7pm/location Dows Lane multi-purpose room 7:30pm-10pm
Feb 4, 10am-1pm CANCELLED as of 1/7/12
Feb 5, 6-10pm location TBA
Feb 6,7,8,9, 6-10pm @ ITHT
Feb 5, 6-10pm location TBA
Feb 6,7,8,9, 6-10pm @ ITHT
Wow was this tough. While there were many combinations of cast lists available to us because of the immense amount of talent within the group, this is truly the right one and I am very confident and happy with our decision. We could see so many of you in multiple roles but we had to play the strengths of each individual and use them correctly to the benefit of the entire company and production. Some of you are so perfect for your parts that we just had to place you where we did. You all really "brought it". I was so impressed with EVERYONE's progression and growth from the beginning of the audition process up until the very last minute of the end. We are already making strides and heading in the right direction!
Wendla: Molly
Ilse: Hanako
Martha: Lexi
Thea: Rebecca
Anna: Emily
Melchior: Tomas
Moritz: Matt
Otto: Sam
Hanschen: Rob
Ernst: Ben
Georg: Will (Hercules)
Frau Bergman, Gabour, Bessel: Ella
Fraulein Knuppeldick, Grossebustenhalter: Izzy
Herr Sonnenstich, Schmidt: Sammi
Headmistress/headmaster Knochenbruch, Doctor: Ruby
Herr Neumann, Rillow, Steifel, Gabour, Father Kaulbach: Will
Ensemble: Alicia (Dance Capt.)-(female ensemble), Ruby (choice of female or male ensemble), Jocelyn (choice of female or male ensemble), Sammi (choice of female or male ensemble), Maddy (female ensemble), Amelia (female ensemble)
Vocal Solos: "Left Behind": Alicia
"Song of Purple Summer": Ruby, Sammi
"The Word of Your Body Reprise 1": Amelia, Maddy
"I Believe": Jocelyn
(specific cuts will be given out at next full cast rehearsal)
***IMPORTANT***: Do not assume a line or vocal part will be yours based on the way it is divided up in the script or libretto. Just because your character name is next to a line DOES NOT mean it is yours. We will specify at the next full company rehearsal. Congrats to everyone!
I am so very excited to get started and to work with ALL OF YOU on each and every one of these wonderful features (and yes, everyone has a feature).
Your director,
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